Botanical Name: Ayurvedic Formula
Key Benefits:
 Erandbhrisht Haritaki Churna is quite popular for its bowel cleansing effect. It keeps motion soft and loose thus facilitates easy, strain free bowel evacuation and allows natural healing in erosive condition of intestinal wall. Hence it is very common prescription for the patient of piles and anal fissure.
Key Ingredients:
Small Harad/Himaj With Castor oil Processed .
Directions For Use:
Please Consult  Directed By the Physician Or Ayurvedic Doctor.
Use Under Medical Supervision Only.
Safety Information:
Read the label carefully before use
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
Keep away from children
Do not exceed the recommended dosage
Take under medical supervision only
- Note: These Statements Are Not Evaluated By FDA And This Product Is Not Intended To Diagnose Or Treat Any Disease.
- Self Life : 2 Year